Talia Greene Untitled (1895)
17.75" x 13" Digital Print
Silicon Gallery Fine Art Prints
To purchase a print, contact info@philagrafika.org.
Talia Greene earned a BA with honors from Wesleyan University and a MFA from Mills College. Her graduate studies were funded by several grants, including a Graduate Research Mini Grant, the Elkind Fellowship, the Alumni Tuition Scholarship, and two Assistantships. She has exhibited her work at venues including the Contemporary Museum in Baltimore, MD, Space 1026 in Philadelphia, Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts in Harrisburg, PA, Redux Contemporary Art Center in Charleston, SC, International Print Center New York in New York City; the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santa Rosa, CA, Yerba Bueuna Center for the Arts in San Francisco, CA, and Internationally at expositions for digital art in Cuba and Mexico. Her work is in private collections throughout the United States. Greene is currently a Lecturer at University of the Arts and an Adjunct Professor at Drexel University.