Portfolio 2006

Tara Goings • Thither
18" x 15" • Offset Lithograph
The Borowsky Center for the Publication Arts, The University of the Arts

To purchase a print, contact info@philagrafika.org.

Tara Goings earned a MFA from Indiana University and a BFA from Tyler School of Art, Temple University. She has had a one person exhibition at Schmidt/Dean Gallery, was a Samuel S. Fleisher Challenge artist, and has been included in group shows at Allentown Art Museum, Swarthmore College, The University of the Arts, Tyler School of Art, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, The Art Alliance, and 55 Mercer, NY. She has received a Leeway Award for Achievement, a Leeway Window of Oppurtunity grant and a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship. Her work is in the permanent collections of The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Rohm and Haas and many private collections.

Philagrafika 1616 Walnut Street, Ste. 918, Philadelphia, PA 19103 T: 215.557.8433 info@philagrafika.org