Portfolio 2004

Charles Burwell • Variations
18" x 15" • Silkscreen
Space 1026

A long-time resident of Philadelphia, Charles Burwell earned an MFA from Yale University and a BFA from Tyler School of Art. His solo exhibitions include work in Samuel Fleisher Art Memorial, Sande Webster Gallery, Philadelphia; Sherry Washington Gallery, Detroit; and Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. He has participated in group exhibitions at Swarthmore College; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Philadelphia Museum of Art; the New York Public Library; and the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York. Charles Burwell has been the recipient of fellowships and residencies from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, The African American Museum of Philadelphia, a Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant and a Gottleib Foundation Grant and has received travel grants from the Creative Artist Network to Italy and from the U.S. Information Agency to the Middle East.

Philagrafika 1616 Walnut Street, Ste. 918, Philadelphia, PA 19103 T: 215.557.8433 info@philagrafika.org