Portfolio 2001

Willie Stokes • Animals and Two Dancing People
19" X 25.5" • Silkscreen
Fabric Workshop and Museum

To purchase a print, contact info@philagrafika.org.

Will Stokes, Jr., a lifelong Philadelphian, has been making his dense, energetic paintings, drawings, and prints since the mid-1970s. Enlivened by color and pattern, Stokes’ "folky" figurative style is his means of reconciling the world around us with the world of animals and the prehistoric world and distant past. Stokes has exhibited his works in one-person exhibitions in Philadelphia at the Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, the Esther M. Klein Art Gallery and The Fabric Workshop and Museum, as well as the Haynes Art Center Glass Gallery (Chapel Hill, North Carolina).

Philagrafika 1616 Walnut Street, Ste. 918, Philadelphia, PA 19103 T: 215.557.8433 info@philagrafika.org